Friday, July 16, 2010


This post is about three points.

First, I changed this blog's template, which is probably indicative of want to change something about me (although I don't know exactly what that something is). The template which I used to have prior to this one, hereinafter called "old template," was a symbolism of redemption from some situation (thus, the flying bird). I had been using the old template since this blog's inception - that was sometime in 2007 when I was at a computer shop in Elbi and I discovered that I passed the entrance exam in Ateneo Law. Passing the exam was not the reason for creating this blog (it was not the redemption I was referring to), but hearing that news while I was creating this blog influenced the blog title a lot (just read the title and you'll understand). If you had read my previous posts, you know that I did not enroll in Ateneo. I instead entered the corporate world, resigned, and entered San Beda Law. Following these events is the filing of leave of absence from San Beda Law. These were the major events in my life following the inception of this blog, and were somehow told herein with the recurring theme of authenticating the being. Out on a whim, I changed the template. It has been three years. Unlike the old template, however, the new template symbolizes nothing. And I am not going to ascribe meaning to any image or color in the new template. As noted, this is just out on a whim.

Second, I felt the need to learn humility and patience, hence I demoted myself. From graduating from Elbi (UPLB) with honors to having a supervisory position as my first job to being *ehem* a dean's lister in law school, I am now working as a tutor to a seven-year old kid - a job which is usually given to undergraduate students. Not only that, the tutoring lasts only for an hour, so you could clearly imagine that the salary is way way less than the salary I used to have (or salary people of my age are receiving). Aside from the tutoring job, I accepted a Student Assistantship position in the same school where I am teaching. The salary rate? Just the same as the salary rate I used to have when I worked as a Student Assistant in college. What this means is that the salary rate of current Student Assistants in UP is considerably higher than my salary rate. Why am I doing these? To have a daily dose of humility and patience. For further explanation, see the next paragraph.

Third, it's hard to let go of the past especially when it is beautiful. It's hard to forget the achievements that you have especially when you worked hard to get them. If you would always look back and make reference to what you were able to obtain, you would always tend to say "I don't deserve this" and "I deserve something better." You would also tend to say "This is unfair!" and "This is humiliating" or "This is not at par with my achievements." Our past made us into what we are in the present, but that does not mean that the past make us. Being good once does not mean being good. This is the lesson that I understand theoretically but not essentially. If I would always look back, it would be difficult to live my future. If I am capable of not considering any barrier to maximizing my full potential, I should also be capable of taking positions, which seem to be denigrating but are in fact not. I am living in a place called Earth, a place which is no Utopia. This is a place where we couldn't always get what we want. This is a place where we have to fight in order to survive. This is a place where we have to fight harder in order to defend our noble intentions. Without humility and patience, one would just easily give up from the fight, no matter how noble his or her intentions are.

Now that I have made my three points, we can connect them all and make a triangle.        

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